Latest Episodes

Transition to The Link to Prevention
After some time away from the podcast world, the prevention team at KCSARC is launching a brand new podcast, called The Link to Prevention....

"Creating safer futures for our communities" with Kat Monusky of WCSAP
The last episode of this prevention series features Kat Monusky, the Prevention & Social Change Manager at Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs (WCSAP)...

“If we can’t name it, we can’t fix it”: KCSARC’s WordWatch with Mary Laskowski
In 2016, KCSARC started “WordWatch,” a project that enlisted the help of volunteers in gathering data about the language that was used to discuss...

“If you’re creating something for a group of people, involve that group of people” - Green River College spotlight, part 2
In the midst of a global pandemic, Green River College’s Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention (RSVP) Peer Educator program formed, with the goal of...

Meet Green River College's Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention (RSVP) Peer Educators, part 1
In the midst of a global pandemic, Green River College’s Relationship & Sexual Violence Prevention (RSVP) Peer Educator program formed with the goal of...

"Use sports as a platform to end sexual assault" with Team Up Washington
Hear from two of the preventionists behind Team Up Washington, Rebecca Milliman of Harborview Abuse & Trauma Center, and Ilene Stohl of Washington State...